Vendor Management
Treasure allows you to integrate your entire vendor management process directly into your event page, starting from when you first create your event.
Manage Vendors
To manage your vendors on Treasure, there are a few key steps that will help to make the process go smoothly from day 1.
Set Your Table and Application Information
When creating or editing your event, you can set:
The price and size of your tables
Vendor check-in information
Custom vendor application questions
Track Vendors on Your Vendors Page
Once your event is live and you start receiving vendor applications, you can keep track of them from the Vendors page (accessible by clicking “View Vendors” from your host dashboard”. This page provides an overview of the number of applications you’ve accepted/rejected and how much of each table tier you’ve sold. It also shows you a filterable table of all your vendor applications regardless of their status.
Note that if a vendor applies to your event and wants to update their application, they must do so prior to you accepting the application. They can update it from the My Tables page.
If a vendor has already paid for one application but wants to apply for more tables, they can reapply from your event page’s registration.
Review Vendor Applications
If you click into any vendor application, you will see all of their responses to the default vendor application questions, as well as any unique questions that you added in the create event process. You can add notes to vendors and accept, reject, or waitlist them from their application
Vendor Payment
You’re able to accept vendor payment in three different timelines:
Accept payment immediately and accept vendors without review
AutoPay: Charge vendors when you accept their application (they will be prompted to add payment information during the application process)
Allow vendors to pay in a set window after being accepted (this gives your vendors the most flexibility to pay when it is convenient for them)
Note that with AutoPay, changes to prices of your tables after a vendor application is submitted will not impact the amount that vendor pays with AutoPay. Vendors will be charged the price that you had for your tables at the time of their application, regardless of any changes to the price made after they applied. See more on how to set up AutoPay in the full guide.
See it in Action
Temporary Vendors and “Mark as Paid”
For your vendors that don’t want to use Treasure at all, we offer a solution in the form of temporary vendors.
Temporary vendors are created by you, and can be treated like any other vendor once they are set up in your event
They can be assigned to specific tables on your venue map
You can designate the exact type of tables they purchased
They will not be able to update their own information such as additional social links
Vendors that are comfortable applying with their information on Treasure but have arranged for an alternative form of payment with you can be “Mark as Paid” from the vendor dashboard once they are accepted.
- Vendors that are mark as paid (and temporary vendors) will not impact your total sales numbers on Treasure at all